Is your child battling a chronic condition or overcoming an illness?

We would like your child to describe it in a drawing.
Have your child draw how he pictures the disease and send in the artwork with a bit of an explanation about your family’s experience.
Send it in
Send your art to: Young and Healthy, Marketing & Communications, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, MLC 9012, 3333 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45229.
Or email it to

What to include
Please include your child’s name, age, school, grade and contact information, along with a brief explanation of your experience. We will post a gallery on our Cincinnati Children’s Facebook page.
Heartfelt responses

Responses so far have been heartfelt, such as 9-year-old Annie McClurg’s description of what it’s like to go to school with a disorder called stereotypies. It causes her to flap her arms and grimace when she gets preoccupied or excited.
“When I shake at school, my friends ask me why I shake and what is wrong,” Annie wrote on the back of her drawing. “I also feel embarrassed when I shake at school.”
Our goal is to give kids like Annie a forum that can help others understand what they go through.
The deadline
Art therapy is just one way Cincinnati Children’s helps kids express their emotions about dealing with a disease or disorder.
We invite kids to share their drawings not only to put their own thoughts into perspective but also to teach others more about the conditions they face.
Help us create a gallery of drawings like these. The deadline is Aug. 1, 2012.