We have always loved this time of year. Gathering with friends and family, sharing time and food, and taking a few moments to pause and remember what we are all thankful for is so important to me and my family. It always has been, but even more so since our little Hannah’s life was saved.
Cincinnati Children’s has been a blessing for our family. When Hannah was 2 years old, she was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of leukemia. We spent 170 nights in the hospital, separated from her sister and brother and often Daddy or Mommy; but we all pulled through together.
At first, doctors thought she had a common form of the cancer, but later tests revealed if we didn’t use the most aggressive treatment possible, it would continue to come back. So, together with her doctors, we decided to treat her with a bone marrow transplant.
She endured chemotherapy, radiation, and many other drugs and procedures. Her immune system was wiped out to keep it from fighting off the donated stem cells that would replace her bone marrow. We sat and watched her fight. We sat and watched her struggle. We sat and watched her heal. Our family is so grateful for the care she received. It helped save her life.
It’s hard to reflect on the time she spent at Cincinnati Children’s. It tears at my heart to know just how sick she was. But we are thankful that she was blessed with healing, the strength to endure, and continues to show what a strong, smart and funny little girl she is today.

Photo above is of Hannah and one of her favorite doctors at Cincinnati Children’s, Dr. Rajaram Nagarajan.
As we return to the hospital for follow up appointments, and during this season of celebration, we always take time to reflect on doctors, nurses, child life specialists and everyone who had a hand in treating Hannah. Even though they came into our lives through very difficult circumstances, we are appreciative they have been a part of our journey.
Our family hopes that no one else needs the kind of care Hannah did, but we know that isn’t realistic. Our hope is that by sharing Hannah’s story, we will inspire you to support Cincinnati Children’s. Before the end of the year, please consider making a gift. When you do, another generous donor will match your gift – twice – tripling the impact of your gift. For more information, you can click here. Thank you for reading Hannah’s story, we are endlessly proud of her. Happy Holidays from the Rumping family!